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My sister and I made nine pounds of snickerdoodle dough this past week, and we got a lot of cookies!


So why exactly did we triple the recipe and make nine pounds??? Simply put, our family loves snickerdoodles! 🙂 Actually there are a few reasons why we made so many cookies.

1. Not only does our immediate family love snickerdoodles, but also our extended family loves ’em too!

2. (consequence of reason #1) If we had made only one batch, we wouldn’t have been able to share so few cookies. 😉

3. We love to freeze snickerdoodles for munching on later. Yum! 🙂


Do you think you can guess how many cookies we made with nine pounds of cookie dough? Go ahead and comment below! The answer will be revealed tomorrow! BTW—if no one answers, then I won’t reveal the magic number. 😉

Note: I would love to give some snickerdoodles to the person that gives the closest answer, but I don’t think the cookies would survive in the mail. 😀 Despite the lack of a “prize,” I hope you’ll enjoy guessing! 🙂 Have fun!